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Lydia Lippincott studied Classical Education Studies and Acting at Belhaven University, earning bachelor and bachelor of fine arts degrees, respectively. She has taught rhetoric school and logic school literature for the last three years at Coram Deo Academy and before that she taught history and Latin at St. Augustine School in Jackson, MS.
Since moving to Texas in 2020 with her husband, David, the Lippincotts have been attending Mercy Presbyterian in Dallas where they enjoy the close-knit and Christ-centered fellowship. They currently live in Bedford and welcomed their first child, Gianna, to their family last June!
In addition to teaching, Lydia loves the outdoors, running, all forms of art (but especially theatre), and reading scripts and good literature (preferably Dostoyevsky or Dickens) as her schedule allows. She is excited to be joining The Oaks Tutorial’s faculty and is thrilled to begin this next school year!
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Mrs. Lydia Lippincott
BA- Classical Education
(Belhaven University)
BFA- Acting
(Belhaven University)
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