How Can You Support The Oaks?
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Friends of the Oaks
Become a Friend of The Oaks by being a monthly donor! Your $100 per month or more donation helps to meet the school’s needs that are not covered by tuition income. When you select the Donation button below and proceed through your payment options, you will be given the option to make your donation a recurring, monthly one. Thank you for investing in Christian and classical education!
The Oaks Annual Fund
We’re well aware that parent partnership in education is in crisis. What do families need with the approaching cultural storms? Deep roots. You can help make that happen. Join us as we educate the next generation to the glory of God and help parents raise their children into Mighty Oaks, “a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor” (Isaiah 61:3). Your gift to The Oaks Annual Fund helps to bridge the gap between tuition income and what it costs to educate children biblically and classically. Thank you for investing in educating students for Christ and His Kingdom in the greater Fort Worth area!
Endowment Giving
More information coming soon…
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